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Alfredo Cabrera

Mexican Mayoral Candidate Killed, 23rd Politician Murdered This Election Cycle

At Least 23 Candidates Assassinated Since Campaign Began

Alfredo Cabrera, Mayoral Candidate, Gunned Down in Southern State of Guerrero

Mexican mayoral candidate Alfredo Cabrera was murdered on Wednesday in the town of Coyuca de Benitez. Cabrera was at least the 23rd candidate to be assassinated since the start of the campaign for the presidential, legislative, regional, and municipal elections.

Videos published by local media showed a person approaching Cabrera and shooting him. The government said on May 28 that at least 22 people running for local office had been killed since the start of the electoral process in September. The violence has raised concerns about the safety of candidates and the integrity of the elections.

Cabrera was a candidate for an opposition coalition in the southern state of Guerrero. The state is known for its high levels of violence, and several other candidates have been killed there in recent months.

The government has deployed security forces to protect candidates and polling places, but the violence has continued. The killings have cast a shadow over the elections, and some candidates have withdrawn from the race due to safety concerns.

The latest victim was Alfredo Cabrera, a mayoral candidate for an opposition coalition who was gunned down in the southern state of Guerrero.

Cabrera's murder is a reminder of the dangers that candidates face in Mexico. The violence has raised concerns about the safety of candidates and the integrity of the elections.

The government has deployed security forces to protect candidates and polling places, but the violence has continued. The killings have cast a shadow over the elections, and some candidates have withdrawn from the race due to safety concerns.


The murder of Alfredo Cabrera is a tragedy and a reminder of the challenges facing Mexico's democracy. The violence has raised concerns about the safety of candidates and the integrity of the elections. The government must take action to protect candidates and ensure that the elections are free and fair.
